Meet The Band

Annette Kline, Music Director

Annette Kline has been the music director of the North Oakland Concert Band since 1988. She holds a Bachelor's Degree in Instrumental Music Education and a Master’s Degree in Instrumental Conducting from Oakland University in Rochester, Michigan. Ms. Kline was a member of the 70th Division Army Reserve Band where she played clarinet and saxophone and was the Assistant Band Director from 1985-1991. She began her teaching career in the Brandon Schools in 1984, then moved to the Lake Orion Schools in 1994.  In the Fall of 2020, after 35 years of teaching instrumental music, Annette decided to retire. She is currently a member of the Board of Directors of the Association of Concert Bands and looks forward to sharing her passion of conducting with others. She is very excited to continue as the director of the North Oakland Concert Band and looks forward to bringing her audiences exciting, innovative and new programs.

Cynthia Austin
Rob Burns
Shirley Cafemeyer
Drieka DeGraff
Terry Hoenle
Roberta Libstaff
Robyn Myers
Mike Theunick
Carol Smist
Karen Wesley

Mark Bedard
Steven Landino

Matthew Berg
Laura Burley
Carol Doll
Clarise Gallagher
Samantha James
Thomas Kosek
Kristen Moreno
‍Lisa Muenzenberger
Madeline Pretto
Carrie Rowles
Mark Tarabusi
Dawn Yanok

Bass Clarinet
Debra Lasko
Denise Sanmartin
Lance Vechinski

Alto Saxophone
Kevin Bays
Joseph Begovich
Joanne Issac
Rob Park

Tenor Saxophone
Robert Cafmeyer
HoSeok Lee

Baritone Saxophone
Nancy Fleury

George Ash
Kristi Blodgett

French Horn
Christina Gardner
Nancy Leipold
Susan McMartin
Charles Moritz
William Riegel-Green
Joshua Schalk

Mark Buchanan
Rob Dietz
Bret Hiler
Christy Husted
Eric Kozlowski
Angela Leslie
Dave Nacy
James Netherland
Robert Patton
Dave Von Behren

Sam Adams
Tom Allport
Kevin Beernink
Jim Conaton
David Heiple
Randy Scott

Bass Trombone

Laura LaMonte-Harris
Paul Reichert
Nicholas Vreede
Christopher Warren

Erich Hintzen
Allan Seely
Keith Sisco

Michael Bakowski
Joseph Benfield
Susan Diebel
Kristofer Libstaff

Section Leaders in Bold

Officers & Managers

President - Paul Reichert
Vice President - Rob Burns
Treasurer - Lance Vechinski
Secretary - Carol Doll
Archivist - Kristi Blodgett

Business - Rob Park
Equipment - Keith Sisco
Fundraising - Alicia Bushor
Librarian - Robert Cafmeyer
Marketing - Randy Scott
Music Committee - Bret Hiler

Production - Rob Burns
Website - Randy Scott
Concert Announcer - Robyn Meyers
Outreach - Deb Lasko
Archivist - Carol Doll